Enzo Silva blog Blog

Jakob Nielsen’s Top Ten Blogger Mistakes

Jakob Nielsen is well-known in the field of usability. All his articles are actually very current in nature and very useful for those designing interactions, UIs, Websites and any type of media that interacts...

Stigmergy in Virtual Worlds

Many researchers have been talking about stigmergy in Web-based environments. Sarah Intellagirl Robbins has been doing research in facets of Virtual Worlds and their potential for education. Stigmergy is one of the affordances she...

Free Live Streaming Services

Many experts (or expert wannabes of all field, especially technology-related topics) have daily or weekly “shows:” they host live on the internet via streaming services that are out there and even integrate chat capabilities....

Ma.gnolia and The Backup Lesson

Social bookmarking site and community Ma.gnolia‘s recent backup crisis serves as a sour reminder of the importance of backing up data being it one’s local computer’s documents or website databases. Backup resources are now...

Free Image/Graphics Editors

In the field of instructional design (being it corporate, education or independent sectors) it is sometimes hard to have the latest and most expensive editors out there. Many people coming into this field now...

Free Image/Graphics Editors

In the field of instructional design (being it corporate, education or independent sectors) it is sometimes hard to have the lates and most expensive editors out there. Many people coming into this field now...

Comics and Learning

Comic books have been used as methods to inform and entertain for quite a long time. Many individuals and companies use comic strips to produce brochures and other types of informative material to a...