Monthly Archive: November 2008

Authoring Tools

Anyone involved in creating eLearning knows the big dilemma of choosing authoring tools that are appropriate for each different course and effort. It can take quite a lot of time and that decision may...

Microblogging and Learning

I am sitting at the “140 Characters or Less: Microblogging in Learning” session at DevLearn 08. Discussing the use of Twitter and I started to dig up some websites… If you just google “twitter”...

TwitterCamp – visualizing tweets

I was impressed by how the DevLearn 08 organizers were using the TwitterCamp application to gather tweets (Twitter messages and updates posted by the conference attendees) in one appealing visual interface. Here is a...


MLearnOpedia has information on erything about Mobile Learning, this new trend for ubiquitous learning! They also have a vast catalogue of resources. Definitely worth checking this website out!

Project Wonderland’s New Features

Project Wonderland is a project run by Sun Microsystems that aims at developing a tool kit for the creation of custom virtual worlds (MUVEs). The upcoming .5 release promises some interesting features as well...