Category: Uncategorized


Top eLearning Authoring Tools Compared – A Matrix

There are sooooooooo many authoring tools out there… So many tool choices, platform integrations, file formats to output, mobile compatibility, accessibility compliance… Flash, HTML5?!!! Ahhhhhhh…. The “paradox of choice” kicks in big time when...


Two Videos on The Future of Education

70:20:10 by Charles Jennings An introduction to the differences between types of learning and how they come together. (Designing) The Future of Learning Although from a more academic perspective, this video provides a great...

Social Media Revolution – Evolution

Let’s think about the impact these emerging technologies can have on Education, on learning, on other fields (not just marketing)… not sure “revolution” is the term, but definitely an “evolution” of the way people...

Physics in Second Life?

Havok4, the “physics” engine in Second Life still has some flaws. But is it possible to teach physics in Second Life? Interesting posts highlighted here.

School 2.0 Manifesto

Written by educators, this manifesto is an example of the ideas that flourish in the minds of some avant-garde educators. Even though this manifesto focuses more on school settings (facing different challenges), many of...

Information R/evolutuion

We DO need to rethink our assumptions about information and how we produce/find it. Rethinking this process and how new technology can help building knowledge is crucial for a change in the learning sytems we...