Tagged: facebook

The Psychology of Facebook

Dr. BJ Fogg & Daniel Berdichevsky at Stanford University are gathering articles from various authors into a nice book around the psychology of Facebook. You can read more about it on their blog.

How to Let Users Share Your Content?

With the Semantic Web it becomes easier to share content, data is portable, easily linkable… Here are two services that makes it easy to allow your viewers share your content in popular sites like...

Microblogging and Learning

I am sitting at the “140 Characters or Less: Microblogging in Learning” session at DevLearn 08. Discussing the use of Twitter and I started to dig up some websites… If you just google “twitter”...

Zembly – Facebook App Creator

[still a draft] As time goes by, things always become easier to create and use, especially in social media things happen fast. No coding, WYSISWYG is the future of things, making it easier for...