Enzo Silva blog Blog

Crowdsourcing eLearning (Feedback)

I understand crowdsourcing courses, lessons and other eLearning-related material can be a tough call for any sector (corporate, K12, etc.). But has anyone had any experience crowdsourcing the development of learning experiences from a...

Twitter Clones and their Place?

Twitter is a phenomenon that keeps growing in popularity.  With new developers creating  tools to integrate with it, Twitter keeps getting new features everyday and extra data portability functionality… Twitter also has many look-alikes...

The Psychology of Facebook

Dr. BJ Fogg & Daniel Berdichevsky at Stanford University are gathering articles from various authors into a nice book around the psychology of Facebook. You can read more about it on their blog.

Uses of Second Life in Education

Excellent list on the SLEducation wiki on the use of Second Life for immersive learning. Some very interesting islands are highlighted like the ISTE island. Explore the list here.

How to Let Users Share Your Content?

With the Semantic Web it becomes easier to share content, data is portable, easily linkable… Here are two services that makes it easy to allow your viewers share your content in popular sites like...

Open eLearning Collections

Here is a list from WikiEducator.org that might interest many people. It includes many websites and organizations (such as MERLOT) that offer open eLearning content on the Web.   http://www.wikieducator.org/Exemplary_Collection_of_Open_eLearning_Content_Repositories

(Free) Online Storage and Drives

For those who need to save their files and share them on the cloud. Here is a list of free websites that offer online storage (some can sync our files across multiple computer without...