Enzo Silva blog Blog

Enzo’s Weekly Twitter Updates

Websites to Help You Find Definitions to Twitter Hashtags – So, you are on Twitter and have no clue what… http://tumblr.com/xaf4ktae8 # Link: Broadcast Live Events from Your iPhone via Ustream – This is...

Enzo’s Weekly Twitter Updates

Not sure I like it when people post updates clearly askin for attention. Like "please RT" or "txt me"… # The (brief) Grammar Cheat Sheet – http://bit.ly/7JXcLh (via @9swords) in reply to 9swords #...

Enzo’s Weekly Twitter Updates

Ning kicking people out! – Ning is removing all social networks that have been inscribe for a while… Back up… http://tumblr.com/xaf4aoqpp # Photo: Pass the salt, pilgrim! http://tumblr.com/xaf4a0qkm # Enjoying Thanksgiving: family, no work,...

Enzo’s Weekly Twitter Updates

Avatar, the movie – the concept of someone represented by a "virtual self" adapted to a Hollywood movie? Nice! http://www.avatarmovie.com # "Microlearning" is a bad term. Is it the "learning" that is "little" or...