Author: enzofsilva

Interesting Post on “Net-Geners”

Not exactly a post about net-geners, but a post about age and the creative process. The author goes on explaining the differences between some early inventors (Web developers) and some late bloomers. Very interesting...

Zembly – Facebook App Creator

[still a draft] As time goes by, things always become easier to create and use, especially in social media things happen fast. No coding, WYSISWYG is the future of things, making it easier for...

Net-geners – Who are They? How Do They Learn?

Good reference in this area of study, this article, Teaching and Learning With the Net Generation by Kassandra Barnes, Raymond C. Marateo, and S. Pixy Ferris show us the peculiarities of this generation of people that (including myself)...

iPhone official downloadable apps?

So many rumors around the new iPhone and the new iPhone software that are coming up soon. One of those interests me the most: the feature of downloading official applications to run natively on...