Author: enzofsilva

Project Wonderland’s Future

The Project Wonderland development team just found out that development resources will no longer be applied to the project, Sun/Oracle resources that is. However, the avid team plans to keep up the great work...

Google For Educators

Google has an area dedicated to Education called Google for Educators which provides news, resources and tools for the classroom. Featuring information about events and opportunities for educators and students, tutorials and testimonials around...

Enzo’s Weekly Twitter Updates

Websites to Help You Find Definitions to Twitter Hashtags – So, you are on Twitter and have no clue what… # Link: Broadcast Live Events from Your iPhone via Ustream – This is...

Enzo’s Weekly Twitter Updates

Not sure I like it when people post updates clearly askin for attention. Like "please RT" or "txt me"… # The (brief) Grammar Cheat Sheet – (via @9swords) in reply to 9swords #...