HTML for Babies [BOOK]
If this is not the epitome of our era, in which kids are exposed earlier and earlier to various technological innovations, I’m not sure what is. A great idea by Web designer John Vanden-Heuvel from...
Learning together...
If this is not the epitome of our era, in which kids are exposed earlier and earlier to various technological innovations, I’m not sure what is. A great idea by Web designer John Vanden-Heuvel from...
It’s common knowledge that Steve Jobs is an innovator and has done a great hob at bringing Apple back up and making it one of the most prominent technology companies of our time. This...
Adobe acaba de lançar (gratuitamente) a ferramenta de desenvolvimento de conteúdo Web em HTML5 chamada Edge. Vocês estão considerando seu uso no desenvolvimento de conteúdo pra #EaD ? Seria essa mais uma indicação da...