GroceryiQ – Grocery Shopping at Your Fingertips
My wife and I installed the GroceryiQ app on our iPhones this past week. Perhaps one of the most useful apps I’ve ever installed.
We have a centrally shared shopping list that gets updated dynamically across our iPhones. so, when we add or check off any items, it gets updated immediately for both of us. If we want to divide and conquer, we go to separate areas of the store and get it done more quickly while having fun. Shopping fun? Yes: this app lets you scan items’ barcodes and add them automatically to your list, or you can just start typing an item’s name and it autosuggests entries for you.
Next: they need to make it more of a game with a point system. Would sure be fun to do a “shopping scavenger hunt” for products, for instance, with my wife and friends in my network.