Monthly Archive: September 2008

Twitter Tags

I have just found out how useful Twitter tags can be. I have for a while been a skeptic of the use of microblogging for Education and in general, for that matter, Although I...

List of Buzzwords in the Classroom

I always rant on and on about buzzwords in Education and how many people just use meaningless words brought to them by a fad or they try to create it themselves. I came across...

Create Timelines Online

It is easy to create interactive and attractive timelines. Sharing them is extremely easy, in Web 2.0 style with tools such as: TimeToast TimeRime   I understand and am totally fascinated with the idea...

Alternate Second Life Viewers

Many people complain about Second Life’s drain on processor performance.  Linden Labs created this wiki page with alternative Second Life viewers that might be of interest to those trying to experiment with Second Life....

Grokit, Social Learning Game

Grockit is definitely mixing traditional social networking with the power of Massively Multiplayer Online gaming (MMO).  Learners study for tests such as GMAT in a live, competitive and collaborative environment as they earn and...

iPhone Educational Apps

A while back I thought of creating a blog to review only educational apps for the iPhone. Suddenly I noticed that not only did just a few developers try to create educational apps but...

Google Launching Chrome, a Smarter Web Browser

What really interests me here is the alternative approach to explaining Google’s new technologically-advanced Web browser that has multiple process running at the same time. They ingeniously used a well-written comic to explain the somewhat complex...